Firmware asus fonepad 7 (fe170cg ~ k012) [mr_rating_result] en id perhatian! pastikan firmware yang anda download sesuai dengan device anda, ketidak-cocokan firmware dengan device dapat menyebabkan device anda bricked.. Download asus fonepad 7 k012 (fe170cg),malam ini saya akan bagikan firmware raw file asus fonepad 7 k012 yang bisa anda gunakan untuk flashing ulang di karenakan tablet asus anda mengalami stuck loading di logo asus saja,sudah saya testing flash via asus flash tool menggunakan file raw ini,jadi silahkan anda yang membutuhkan nya.. Hello dear sir i have asus fonepad 7 fe170cg so i download all firmware from here but can not know how to flsah my device plz help thanx. rename your downloaded firmware to then copy to your microsd. now you just have to go into droidboot mode. help & troubleshooting asus fonepad 7 fe170cg firmware need please help by.
Download raw firmwares for flashing asus fonepad 7 fe170cg with model number k012. we collect the firmwares to fix your fonepad device which has issues such as bootloop, imei null/invalid, baseband unknown, always reboot, crash system, hardbrick, etc.. 1 fonepad in mode droidboot 2 already installed driver untuk tutorial bisa baca Products certified by the federal communications commission and industry canada will be distributed in the united states and canada. please visit the asus usa and asus canada websites for information about locally available products. all specifications are subject to change without notice..