Monday, March 6, 2017

Hash Compare File Integrity Comparison Tool

Hash Compare File Integrity Comparison Tool

Hash Compare is the FREE File Hash comparison tool. It performs Hash based Integrity Comparison using any of the the popular hash algorthms such as MD5SHA1 or SHA256.

To make the task easier and quicker, it also supports the File Drag & Drop feature. That means you can just drag & drop one or both files directly without wasting much time in selecting them.

Hash based method is the standard way of verifying the integrity of files. Often it is used to check the Integrity of Download Files downloaded from the internet. It is also used to compare two versions of the same file. In such cases HashCompare comes handy in performing quick comparison of the files. 

It is fully portable and works on all Windows platforms starting from Windows XP to Windows 8.

  • Performs File Integrity Comparison using popular Hash algorithms such as MD5SHA1 & SHA256.
  • Drag & Drop feature to quickly drag one or both files.
  • Save the file comparison report to HTML/TEXT/XML file
  • Displays detailed status during the operation.
  • Auto copy the Hash data to clipboard on successful comparison
  • Simple, easy to use GUI Interface.
  • Completely Portable Tool, can be run from anywhere. 

Download Hash Compare

Go to link download